Hello, World.

I'm Leandro Tavares.

Software Engineer Reseacher Professor

More About Me

Let me introduce myself.

Profile Picture

I am a Brazilian software engineering manager, Natural Language Processing researcher, and Algorithm and Logic professor. I have worked on several projects involving AI and Computer Vision including the development and integration with Document Management Systems, Automatic License Plate Recognition software, Electronic Medical Record systems.


I was born in Brazil. I enjoy cooking, brewing, listening to music, and watching series. My family, girlfriend, and friends are the most important things to me, I try to stay with them the most I can. I also enjoy learning new things and sharing them, that's when knowledge shows its real value.

  • Fullname: Leandro Luciani Tavares
  • Birth Date: June 04, 1992
  • Job: Engineering Manager
  • Website: www.leandrolucianitavares.com.br
  • Email: leandro.ltavares@gmail.com


My expertise is mainly on Design & Architectural Patterns (GoF, DDD, TDD, BDD, CQRS, and others) focused on Microsoft Stack (C#, .NET, .NET Core, SQL Server, WebAPI, ASP.NET, Entity Framework and others) but also include some other languages and technologies like Python.

  • Languages: Python, C# & .NET, Swift, C, Java, Kotlin
  • Tools: Kafka, Ansible, Jenkins, Selenium, Playwright, Docker, Kubernetes, Helm
  • Databases & Storage: MySQL, SQL Server, Clickhouse, SOLR

More of my credentials.

Here you can find out more about my working experience and formal education.

Work Experience

Engineering Manager

October 2021 - Present

Sr. Software Engineer

September 2018 - October 2021

Valdity Inc. (acquired 250ok)

I have been working on the R&D team developing e-mail solutions. These solutions include:

  • A multiplatform mail previewing service
  • An email FBL (Feedback loop) solution
  • A message processing, enrichment, and classification tool
  • ESP integrations for receiving, transforming mail events

All these solutions involve using several different cutting-edge technologies focusing on high performance, maintenance, and scalability.

More recently, I am also responsible to:

  • Design and propose architectures for new services
  • Work with the Product team to design new features and improve existing products
  • Lead team meetings, task planning, effort estimation, and tracking
  • Write/Review technical documentation
  • Implement DevOps workflows/practice targeting continuous deliverability and enhance code quality

Software Engineer

May 2015 - August 2018


I have worked as a software engineer developing custom solutions for the company's customers. I am responsible to design and building these solutions foundations considering maintenance and scalability. These solutions include Document Management Systems (like DocuWare and DocSystem) integration.

I have also acted as a Scrum Master for a developers team supporting and asserting code quality and testability.

I was also the creator (and maintainer) of a set of tools and libraries that improved code reuse, testability, and integration between systems. Those tools are widely used over teams and company solutions.

I have also implemented several continuous integration tasks to automate tedious and repetitive tasks and system deployments.

Some other responsibilities:

  • Team timekeeping
  • Project effort estimation
  • Technical proposal writing/revision
  • Code repositories management
  • Code quality reviews

System Specialist

December 2014 - April 2015


I have worked on financial data retrieval and summarization using ASP.NET. I have also taught a mini-course about ASP.NET at the Internship program.

Software Developer

August 2012 - December 2014

Green Concept

I have worked as a developer at a software house. This includes the development and maintenance of several systems:

  • EHR (Electronic Health Record) documents classification
  • DMS (Document Management System) integration
  • Tracker integration for Armored cars
  • Carrier PoS system
  • Digital / Biometric signature applications
  • Product catalog for the automotive market
  • OCR customizations and workflows


August 2011 - August 2012


I have worked as an intern at a software house, specifically at the R&D This includes the research and development of several solutions:

  • Tomography and dental images analysis application
  • Image filtering and preprocessing for an ANPR
  • Validations for speed controls systems
  • Pattern classification of vehicles type


Master Degree

March 2015 - June 2018

UFSCar - Federal University of São Carlos

I have a master's in Computer Science. My research was focused on Machine Learning and Natural Language Processing. I have developed a strategy for the classification of question domains using automatically generated questions from text fragments.

Bachelor Degree

January 2010 - December 2014

FACENS - Engineering College of Sorocaba

I have a bachelor's in Computer Engineering. My undergraduate thesis was focused on a didactic tool for learning about compilers. I have received an award for finishing the course with the highest grades in the class.

Professional Courses

Jan 2005 - December 2009

SENAI - National Service of Industrial Learning

I have studied electricity, electronics, and computers. I have completed several professional courses:

  • Electrical Power Systems for Buildings
  • Industrial Electricity
  • Electronics
  • Hydraulic & Pneumatic systems
  • Computer Networks

Check Out Some of My Works.

Here you can find some open-source projects that I have been working on.


I'd Love To Hear From You.

If you have any question, project idea or just want to talk with me, get in touch.

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